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    Fecken-Kirfel GmbH & Co. KG

    Prager Ring 1-15


    +49 241 18202-0, 947-5030

    Highest accuracy thanks to revolutionary oscillating technology The CNC Cutting Center C 69 provides three cutting modes: the contour, horizontal and vertical cutting mode. Thus, the machine allows for cutting automatically shaped and rectangular parts for the automotive, upholstery, mattress and packaging industries as well as various industrial parts such as pipe isolation and window gaskets, acoustic isolations with a pyramid profile, medical applications and consumer goods (e.g. sponges). The loading and unloading devices as well as the conveyor equipment of the machine allow for completely automatic unmanned shifts. The material to be cut is kept in position by the hold-down device consisting of plates. The machine can be operated either off-line or connected on-line to a CAD work station computer. The cutting tool is an oscillating and slightly toothed knife which guarantees a smooth material surface. A special and very precise swivel guide allows for an endless twist of the knife around its tip by means of which high-precision sharp-edged contours are achieved. Also, very small radii, acute angles as well as drawn-out contours with close cutting tolerances can be produced.

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